Welcome to BioWhack!

Sorta weekly posts about current and past pseudoscientific marketing drivel that falls under the umbrella of “biohacking”, with the occasional concept that might actually have some truth to it.

All newsletters are available for free. Because that’s how we fight this bullshit- by getting the information out there by any means necessary, without paywalls. Ad based models are dying  and are never truly independent, ever. And social media is curating via algorithms what they want you to see and extort money out of creators. So if you have means, please be a paid subscriber. This helps me keep this going without selling out. The money will go to hosting the website, buying reference materials, and hopefully getting me to spy on the Biohacking Conference cuz there’s no way in hell they are going to give me a press pass.

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Fighting "biohacking" bullshit.


Sorta weekly posts about current and past pseudoscientific marketing drivel, with the occasional concept that might actually have some truth to it.